The Journal of Provincial Thought
Provocative Attitudes & Perspectives

LOL, Early Days

Obscurity Inutility

Sometimes, too, there occurs a must-cover event of such political polarity (POLPOL) that simply publishing it (SIMPIT) can be mistaken for taking a position.  For jpt’s full and final position, we refer you to our Declaration of Principles and attending mumbo-jumbo accessible from the homepage.  “Soiling our hands in the politics of mortals” is not listed thereinamongst.  Therefore, please do not inundate us with whines, moans, growls, manifestos and court orders directing equal time for your own fervidly twisted kicks; we’ve heard it and ignored it before.  We ask you all to respect the fact that jpt is not a political forum and has no ambition to become one. (Feel free to attack the opinions expressed by other contributors, however.  We’ll keep it sort of modulated on criteria of humor.) 

The PAP department was created because of the fascinating dichotomy of views engendered by what some at jpt call the disturbed effusion, others the inspired effulgence, of a university town fixture known campus-wide as Louie-on-the-Left.  (We’re going to cut the school some slack by not identifying it; we’re sure others of you, who only learned to read for the harm in it, will not prove as gracious.)  Louie himself is the ultimate politically polar event-in-progress, and not covering him is not an option.  We present the screeds & scrawls of Louie, found on bulletin boards and utility poles, for what wisdom or outrageous distortions our dear readers might discern therein, each according to his (her? his? her?) own convictions.  The rights to Louie's graffiti were obtained for a hot breakfast and a ream of 20-lb. multipurpose white paper.  Read, laugh, applaud, curse, cry, stomp, or dance, then just move on, eh?  Have yourself a cup of coffee. 

ozzie mandius late brigade limberger letters to betters

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Copyright 2007 All Rights Reserved

While jpt is not particularly concerned with either fairness or balance, we (more or less) resolutely stand as a nonpolitical publication, if for little reason beyond keeping the peace & flow among a diverse, dedicated and mutually respectful team here in the tower, where everyone from Satanists and baby eaters to notified candidates for saintdom, from anarchists to undercover line-tapping federal agents appointed by the Eisenhower administration, all work together to bring you unrivaled quality in online Provincialism.  From time to time there slips from one of the staff a hint of his or her personal bias not necessarily shared by others.  Yet we do so enjoy our editorial grandness of spirit and a sense of sophistication in our “Let It Be” mien!
ozzie mandius late brigade limberger letters to betters
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